Pharmacodynamic Drug Interaction of Imipramine with Glibenclamide in Normal Rabbits.


Nitin M.*, Krunal S., Rooman H., Girish M., Chetan M.

Department of Pharmacology, H.K.E.S’s College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga- 585 105, Karnataka.


The present study was aimed to find out the effect of single and multiple dose (9 days) treatment of imipramine, an antidepressant drug on the hypoglycaemic activity of glibenclamide in normal rabbits. The study was intended to determine the pharmacodynamic parameters of drug interaction between glibenclamide and imipramine in normal rabbits. The single dose studies were conducted using a group of five normal rabbits of either sex. The dose calculations were based on body surface area as described by Laurence and Bacharach. The experiment was conducted in four stages. Five normal rabbits were selected for each stage of experiment. These studies were conducted in the same group of rabbits after the washout period of the administered drug (Glibenclamide 0.7 mg/ 1.5 Kg body weight and Imipramine 14 mg/ 1.5 Kg body weight) i.e. after the complete elimination of the drug. The drugs were administered orally. The blood samples were collected by marginal ear vein at predetermined time intervals and glucose levels were estimated using GOD/POD method. Multiple dose study was also conducted by using another group of five normal rabbits as described above. The results indicated that single and multiple dose treatment of imipramine an antidepressant drug altered the hypoglycaemic activity of glibenclamide when administered alone and along with glibenclamide in normal rabbits. This may be due to the synergistic effect of imipramine with glibenclamide. The preliminary studies indicate the combination may be unsafe in diabetes associated with depression.


KEYWORDS: Glibenclamide, Imipramine, Drug interaction, GOD/POD method.




Polypharmacy is a common practice in the clinical management of diseases. Widespread use of multiple-drug therapy has been severely criticized, in part because such treatment appears to increase the likelihood of deleterious side effects1. To obtain a desired therapeutic objective or to treat co-existing diseases many a times it becomes essential for the concomitant use of several drugs together. Simultaneous use of several drugs often leads to drug-drug interactions2. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder resulting from deficiency of insulin leading to complications involving many organs. It requires lifelong treatment with drugs coupled with diet control and exercise3,4. Patients with diabetes mellitus are at risk for microvascular complications like retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy and macrovascular complications like myocardial infarction that increase morbidity and mortality5. Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder and by the year 2010, it is estimated that more than 200 million people worldwide will have diabetes and 300 million will subsequently have the diseases by 20256,7.

Diabetes mellitus may be categorized into several types but the two major types are type I and type II. Type I diabetes mellitus, formerly called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is characterized by an absolute insulin deficiency that results from an immune mediated or idiopathic form of beta cell dysfunction. Type II diabetes mellitus also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) may be caused by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency or an insulin secretory defect from beta cells of islets of Langerhans of pancreas. Insulin is the drug of choice in type I diabetes mellitus and sulfonylureas are the drugs of choice in type II diabetes mellitus. Glibenclamide is a second generation oral hypoglycaemic agent which is widely used for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus8. It is reported that glibenclamide is metabolized mainly in liver by cytochrome P-450 (CYP3A4). In addition, CYP1A1, CYP2C9, CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 also take part in its metabolism9. The hypoglycaemic effect of glibenclamide was changed during co-administration with CYP inhibitor ciprofloxacin.


The history reveals that 71% patients had a lifetime history of at least one neurological disorder associated with diabetes10. Depression occurs earlier in life for diabetic patients11. Diabetes patients have 15-20% higher risk of depression than the general population12,13. There is a possibility that this percentage is even higher, because depression is under diagnosed and untreated in many diabetic patients14,15. Depression may be associated with diabetes and to treat diabetic condition, sulfonylureas are the widely used class of drugs. Glibenclamide is one of the commonly prescribed drugs due to its low dose and long duration of action. Imipramine is one of the drugs of choice in the treatment of depression. Therefore there is probability for concomitant administration of glibenclamide with imipramine in patients with diabetes associated with depression. This may lead to drug-drug interaction problems with altered therapeutic activity.


Literature survey indicates that imipramine has its effect on blood sugar levels to some extent in some cases, but yet not clinically relevant12 and both the drugs imipramine and glibenclamide are metabolised by the same cytochrome P450 enzymes, CYP3A4 and CYP2D68. Hence there is a possibility of interaction at metabolism levels of glibenclamide with imipramine.


The present study was planned to find out the effect of single and multiple dose treatment of imipramine on blood glucose levels and on hypoglycaemic activity of glibenclamide in normal rabbits. If the interaction occurs in normal animals, which represents the conditions of actual use of drugs in humans and to understand the mechanism of drug interaction. Since rabbits is well established model for preclinical hypoglycaemic activity and are also official model for bioassay and suitable nonrodent animal model for ease of collection of sufficient volume of blood sample at regular time intervals.



Inbred adult albino rabbits of either sex were procured from Central Animal House, M. R. Medical College, Gulbarga. They were maintained on uniform diet and temperature with 12 h light and dark cycle housed in well ventilated aluminium cages individually for acclimatization. Standard animal pellet food procured from Amrut laboratories, Pranav Agro Industries Ltd., Sangli was provided in adequate quantity, with drinking water ad libitum. The experimental protocol (HKE COP/IAEC/14/2009-10) was prior approved by Institutional Animal Ethics committee (IAEC) of H.K.E.S’s College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga for conduction of experiments. CPCSEA registration number is 142/1999 CPCSEA.



Pure samples of glibenclamide and imipramine were procured as gift samples from Sun Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai and Harika drugs (p) Ltd., Hyderabad, respectively. Glucose kit of swemed diagnostics, Bangalore, was used for glucose estimation.


Preparation of drug solutions for treatment:

Glibenclamide (100 mg/kg, p.o.) and imipramine (200 mg/kg, p.o.) suspensions prepared in distilled water by using 1% w/v gum acacia as a suspending agent and the volume was made up to 100 ml and 20 ml with distilled water, respetively.


Experimental procedure in normal rabbits:

Inbred adult albino rabbits of either sex weighing between 2.0-2.5 kg were selected and used for the study. Oral route was selected for the administration of drugs since the drugs under study are given generally by oral route in clinical practice. The drugs were administered orally with the help of an oral gag using a soft rubber catheter of 5 mm diameter16. The therapeutic dose of drugs administered to animals was calculated from human dose17.


Single dose study:

The rabbits were fasted for 18 h prior to the experiment with water ad libitum. During experimentation water also was withdrawn. The experiment was conducted in four stages. Stage-I: All the five rabbits treated with potable water, and blood samples were collected at regular time intervals. The blood samples were collected from the marginal ear vein of the rabbits. The samples were analyzed for blood glucose. This stage served as control without any drug treatment. Stage-II: After 4 days, the same group was treated with therapeutic dose of imipramine (14 mg/ 1.5 kg body weight) and samples were collected at regular time intervals. The samples were analyzed for blood glucose. Stage-III: After a washout period (6 days), the same group was treated with therapeutic dose of glibenclamide (0.7 mg/ 1.5 kg body weight) and samples were collected at regular time intervals. The samples were analyzed for blood glucose. Stage- IV: After a further washout period (4 days), the same group was treated with imipramine (14 mg/ 1.5 kg body weight) followed by glibenclamide (0.7 mg/ 1.5 kg body weight) after 30 minutes. The blood samples were collected at regular time intervals. The samples were analyzed for blood glucose.


The blood samples were collected into eppendorff tubes containing a small quantity of anticoagulant (sodium fluoride and potassium oxalate, 1:3) at regular time intervals (0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h). Sodium fluoride was added to prevent in vitro glycolysis in the blood samples collected. The above samples were centrifuged and plasma was collected after separation. The blood glucose was estimated by using glucose kit (GOD/POD method) by semi auto analyzer18.


Multiple dose study:

For studying the influence of multiple dose treatment of imipramine, another set of five normal rabbits was selected. The drugs were administered orally. In this experiment at 1st day after 18 h fast therapeutic dose of imipramine and therapeutic dose of glibenclamide were administered orally with a gap of 30 min. Later from 2nd day onwards they were treated daily once with the therapeutic dose of imipramine for the next eight days with regular feeding. On 9th day after 18 h fast they were again given with combined treatment with therapeutic dose of imipramine and glibenclamide with 30 min gap. The blood samples were collected as described in single dose treatment at the specified intervals and glucose levels were estimated by GOD/POD method.



The data are presented as mean percent blood glucose change ± SEM. The significance of the observed differences in percentage reduction in blood glucose levels were calculated by applying paired Student’s t-test in normal rabbits. The ‘P’ values <0.05 were considered as significant.



In single dose study, the mean percent blood glucose reduction by imipramine, glibencamide and their combination in normal rabbits are given in table. 1 and are represented graphically in fig.1. Imipramine produced peak hypoglycaemic activity at 8 h and the percentage reduction in glucose was 30.05%. In the control group there was 10.76% reduction in blood glucose at 8 h. So, the results indicate that there was significant effect of imipramine on blood glucose levels in normal rabbits. Glibenclamide produced peak hypoglycaemic activity at 6 h and the percentage reduction in glucose was 40.22%. The combination of glibenclamide and imipramine has shown the peak hypoglycaemic activity at 8 h and the percentage reduction was found to be 51.35%. The above results indicate that imipramine altered the hypoglycaemic activity of glibenclamide.


Fig. 1: Mean percentage blood glucose reduction by imipramine, glibenclamide and their combination in normal rabbits.


The influences of multiple dose treatment with imipramine on blood glucose levels and on glibenclamide induced hypoglycaemia are given in table. 2 and are represented graphically in fig. 2. At the 1st day, combination treatment given group produced a peak hypoglycaemic activity at 8 h and the percentage reduction in glucose was 51.88%. Whereas at the 9th day, combination treatment given group produced a peak hypoglycaemic activity at 8 h and the percentage reduction in glucose was 53.28%. The above results indicate that similar results were observed in multiple dose treatment as in single dose treatment.


Fig. 2: Mean percent blood glucose reduction by glibenclamide with single and multiple dose treatment of imipramine (for 9 days) in normal rabbits.



The mechanism of interaction of a drug can be established by determining its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters when administered in the presence of another drug. The pharmacodynamic activity can be established based on the pharmacological response of the drugs. The human therapeutic oral dose of glibenclamide ranges from 5-15 mg/day. In the present study, 10 mg of human dose was considered for extending to the rabbits. Similarly, the human therapeutic oral dose of imipramine ranges from 50-200 mg/day. In the present study, 200 mg of human dose was considered for extending to the rabbits to reveal pharmacodynamic interaction.



Table. 1: Mean percentage blood glucose reduction by imipramine, glibenclamide and their combination in normal rabbits.



Dosage mg/1.5kg


Mean percent blood glucose change ± SEM











I Control


Distilled water


1.88± 0.33

3.79± 0.21

4.74± 0.22

9.29± 0.32

10.76± 0.58

6.57± 0.47

0.74± 0.34

-0.37± 0.31

II Glibenclamide



4.22± 0.34

22.63± 0.86

28.57± 1.21

40.22± 1.01

24.77± 0.54

10.93± 0.71

4.10± 0.47

2.68± 0.60

III Imipramine



2.62± 0.48

5.14± 0.45

13.36± 0.49

28.53± 0.64

30.05± 0.84

12.65± 0.53

-1.74± 0.40

-2.49± 0.46

IV Glibenclamide +


0.7 + 14


5.47± 0.55

24.66± 0.51*

33.83± 0.50**

51.35± 0.73**

53.13± 0.48***

21.50± 0.63***

3.87± 0.52*

1.76± 0.42

Number of animals n = 5; Significant at P*<0.02; Highly Significant at P**<0.01; Very highly significant at P***<0.001

p.o. - per oral; Dosage expressed as milligram/1.5kilogram body weight of rabbits; SEM- standard error of the mean; Time expressed in hour.


Table. 2: Mean percentage blood glucose reduction by glibenclamide with single and multiple dose treatment of imipramine (for 9 days) in normal rabbits.



Dosage mg/1.5kg


Mean percent blood glucose change ± SEM











Single dose


+ Imipramine

0.7  +



6.14± 0.66

25.82± 0.48

34.52± 0.80

50.22± 0.67

51.88± 0.68

23.29± 0.74

4.67± 0.58

2.24± 0.43

Multiple dose


+ Imipramine

(After 9 days)

0.7 +




5.39± 0.46

24.94± 0.73

35.61± 0.61

51.48± 0.79

53.28± 0.64

28.67± 0.54

3.24± 0.49

1.81± 0.45

Number of animals n = 5; P is not significant

p.o. - per oral; Dosage expressed as milligram/1.5kilogram body weight of rabbits; SEM- standard error of the mean; Time expressed in hour.



The study on the interaction of imipramine with glibenclamide in normal rabbits indicate that, imipramine altered the blood glucose levels and also altered glibenclamide induced hypoglycaemia in single dose study. The interaction studies indicated similar aggravation of hypoglycaemia in multiple dose study also. The literature survey reported that both depression and diabetes are known to activate the hypothalamic pituitary adreno-cortical axis and thus depression may enhance the risk for diabetes through increased sympatho-adrenal system activity or a dysregulation of the hypothalamic pituitary axis19. In addition, depression induced abnormalities in neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter function may also adversely affect glycemic control in diabetes. These include catecholamine, cortisol, growth hormone, adrenocorticotropin all of which are increased in depression20. These interaction studies were statistically significant.


Type II diabetes mellitus is more common disorder than type I and sulfonylureas are the preferred drugs for its treatment. Among sulfonylureas glibenclamide was selected as a model drug due to its low dose and its longer duration of action. Since depression is more common in diabetes and as a result the use with antidepressant drugs alongwith antidiabetic drugs is also more common. Depression treatment in diabetes is important because it improves the quality of life, increases treatment compliance, and permits patients to achieve better glycaemia control, which may reduce long-term complications and emergencies. Depending on depression intensity, pharmacological intervention is obligatory. Antidepressants might also be used as prophylactic treatment for diabetic patients12,21,22.


For preliminary screening and to understand mechanism of drug interaction single dose studies were used. The pharmacodynamic data (blood glucose) from blood samples collected before and after administering drugs to group of rabbits in single dose study served as parameter to study the interaction quickly. Based on this data of single dose study in normal rabbits, the experiments were extended to multiple dose study for 9 days by using another group of normal rabbits and the data was collected from this group for 48 h. Literature survey indicates that imipramine involves the same cytochrome P450 enzymes, CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 which are involved in the metabolism of gibenclamide leading to higher concentration of glibenclamide in the blood causing hypoglycaemia. This is due to competition for drug metabolising enzymes at receptor sites leading to delayed metabolism of glibenclamide in normal rabbits indicate that, imipramine altered the hypoglycaemic activity of glibenclamide when administered alone and when administered along with glibenclamide in single and multiple dose study. The results need to be confirmed in healthy human volunteers and in diabetic patients. However animal studies indicate caution, careful monitoring and patient counselling by health care professionals when both imipramine and glibenclamide are prescribed together to patients suffering from diabetes and depression simultaneously.



The single and multiple dose study indicates that the interaction of imipramine with glibenclamide in normal rabbits based on phrmacodynamic (blood glucose) response altered the hypoglycemic activity of glibenclamide. This may be due to the synergistic effect of imipramine with glibenclamide.



Authors are thankful to the authorities of H.K.E.S’s College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga for providing facilities to carry out this study. We are grateful to Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Mumbai and Harika drugs (p) Ltd., Hyderabad for providing the gift samples of glibenclamide and imipramine, respectively.



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Received on 17.03.2011

Accepted on 09.04.2011     

© A&V Publication all right reserved

Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 3(3): May –June, 2011, 129-133