Akashdeep Tyagi, Preeti Chaudhary, Vipin Kumar Garg
Akashdeep Tyagi1*, Preeti Chaudhary2, Vipin Kumar Garg1
1Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2Department of Pharmacy, NCRD’s Sterling Institute of Pharmacy, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2023
Calotropis giganteabelongs to the Asclepiadaceae family is commonly known as Arka and Ruvi and it is found throughout India. The Aerva lanata plant is a member of Amaranthaceae family and its usually known as mountain knot grass and gorakhabooti and their role in disease cure has been documented. Different part of these plants contains numerous types of chemical constituents such as flavonoids, alkaloids, quercetin, kaempferol, sterols, cynogenic glycoside, with diverse pharmacological activities. Moreover, these plants show, anti-microbial activity, analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-diuretic and anti-diabetic activities. Hence this review representsan overview of medicinal uses of Calotropis gigantea and Aerva lanata plant which is used in many formulations.
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Akashdeep Tyagi, Preeti Chaudhary, Vipin Kumar Garg. Pharmacological and Therapeutic Potential of Calotropis gigantea and Aerva lanata: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics 2023;15(1):19-3. doi: 10.52711/2321-5836.2023.00005
Akashdeep Tyagi, Preeti Chaudhary, Vipin Kumar Garg. Pharmacological and Therapeutic Potential of Calotropis gigantea and Aerva lanata: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics 2023;15(1):19-3. doi: 10.52711/2321-5836.2023.00005 Available on:
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