Sudipta Rani Bera, Suman Pattanayak, Lakshmi Kanta Kanthal, Ghalib Iqubal, Shyamal Manna, Sk Sayan Gazal, Souvik Hanra
Sudipta Rani Bera*, Suman Pattanayak, Lakshmi Kanta Kanthal, Ghalib Iqubal, Shyamal Manna, Sk Sayan Gazal, Souvik Hanra
Haldia Institute of Pharmacy, Haldia, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal- 721657.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2023
Erigeron bonariensis commonly known as Gulava has been used for thousands of year in the ayurveda for its various chemical constituent. This study was conducted to evaluate the locomotor activity of Erigeron bonariensis on zebrafish models as the locomotor behaviour of zebrafish has been widely used to study neuro-behaviour. The plant was collected and authenticated by botanical survey of India, Kolkata. The aerial parts of E. bonariensis were extracted using of methanol by maceration method and phytochemical tests were performed as per standard procedure. Then fishes were divided into 4 Groups of 6 animals each (n=6). Group 1 – served as control, Group 2 Group 3 and Group 4 – were treated with test substance at three dose (1 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml) levels. Thenwe observed locomotor activity including total distance travelled, speed to evaluate the impact of E. bonariensis on the adult Zebra fish. The study showed the presence of glycosides, flavonoids, Amino acid, tannins and absence of Alkaloids, carbohydrates and saponin. The zebrafish was treated with methanolic extract of E. bonariensis which showed increase in locomotor activity. The extract did not show any kind of toxic effect during and after the observation period. Results in this study showed that CNS stimulating activity was found in E. bonariensis.
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Sudipta Rani Bera, Suman Pattanayak, Lakshmi Kanta Kanthal, Ghalib Iqubal, Shyamal Manna, Sk Sayan Gazal, Souvik Hanra. Locomotor activity on zebra fish model using methanolic extract of Erigeron bonariensis L. Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2023;15(2):45-8. doi: 10.52711/2321-5836.2023.00009
Sudipta Rani Bera, Suman Pattanayak, Lakshmi Kanta Kanthal, Ghalib Iqubal, Shyamal Manna, Sk Sayan Gazal, Souvik Hanra. Locomotor activity on zebra fish model using methanolic extract of Erigeron bonariensis L. Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2023;15(2):45-8. doi: 10.52711/2321-5836.2023.00009 Available on:
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