Author(s): Bansal A, KK Singh, Bansal M, Masih John.

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

DOI: Not Available

Address: Bansal A., K.K. Singh, Bansal M. and Masih John
Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) – 494001 INDIA.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 4,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2012

Back ground :Breech is the most common malpresentation. There is hardly any Obstetrician who have not missed breech presentation occasionally during his/her professional carrier.Materials and method : An analysis of one hundred cases of single tone pregnancies with breech presentation was done at a tertiary care hospital. Statistical analysis; findings were expressed in terms of simple proportion. Findings : Of the total one hundred breech delivery conducted ,46 percent were assisted breech deliveries, 5 percent were spontaneous breech deliveries, breech extraction was done in only 2 percent cases and 47 percent were Caesarean section .The fate of primae was ,61.70 % undergone C-section in comparison to their counterparts 34.01 % delivered vaginally .This points to the trend of primae with breech towards C-section. Similarly 66 percent multigravidae delivered vaginally showed that the maternal pelvis has stood the taste of a previous delivery. Conclusion: The authors reached to the conclusion that a shift towards modernization resulted in increase in C-section birth .This is not necessarily good thing. The woom in unnecessary surgeries is jeopardizing women health. Unwanted C-section is costlier than the natural birth and raises the risk of complications for the mother. Hence efforts must be made to bring awareness in the community because natural birth is the ideal one .Any C-section is to be performed in the interest of the mother and child –and that too after a careful evaluation. A regular antenatal check up, close clinical monitoring during labour and timely intervention is always helpful

Cite this article:
Bansal A, KK Singh, Bansal M , Masih John. Correlation between Mode of Delivery and Breech. Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2012; 4(2): 94-97.

Bansal A, KK Singh, Bansal M , Masih John. Correlation between Mode of Delivery and Breech. Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2012; 4(2): 94-97.   Available on:

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