Avinash. B. Thalkari, Pawan. N. Karwa, Vivek. M. Thorat, Sakshi. K. Jadhav
Avinash. B. Thalkari1, Pawan. N. Karwa2*, Vivek. M. Thorat2, Sakshi. K. Jadhav2
1Vasant Pharmacy College, Kaij.
2Gurukrupa Institute of Pharmacy, Majalgaon, Dist: Beed, 431131.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 12,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2020
In last few years the trend for the nutraceuticals has been increasing which has provided health benefits and is working as a alternative to modern medicine.As we know that Nutrients, herbals and dietary supplements are the primay constituents of nutraceuticals which acts a backbone in maintaining health, fight against various severe diseases and promotes a quality life.The current ratefor the growth, research developments ratio, lack of standards, marketing zeal, quality assurance and regulation are all the factors in the success or failure of the neutraceuticals.In India almost all the common forms of functional foods and nutraceuticals are available as in the Ayurvedic Medicines and other forms.These are marketed under various brand names. India which is often known as the home of medicinal herbs, spices and tree species which have a large domestic market with very less foreign competition at present.Nutraceuticals are those products which are derived from food sources and are used to provide extra health benefits, in addition increase the basic nutritional value found in foods. Nutraceutical provide an intervention and treat the disease. Nutraceuticals tends to improve the health status of individuals by modulating the body functions. Different types of those nutraceuticals are available including the proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other pure food compounds like., dietary supplement, herbals, nutrients, medical foods, functional foods. Nutraceuticals now has attracted interest towards the market due to its proper potential nutritional values, safety and therapeutic effects. The curent Review is a short data regarding the curent neutraceuticals status along with its classification and the benifts.
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Avinash. B. Thalkari, Pawan. N. Karwa, Vivek. M. Thorat, Sakshi. K. Jadhav. Overview of Neutraceuticals. Res. J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics.2020; 12(3):130-132. doi: 10.5958/2321-5836.2020.00023.3
Avinash. B. Thalkari, Pawan. N. Karwa, Vivek. M. Thorat, Sakshi. K. Jadhav. Overview of Neutraceuticals. Res. J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics.2020; 12(3):130-132. doi: 10.5958/2321-5836.2020.00023.3 Available on:
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