Surdesh D. Kamble, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar Devade, V.K. Redasani
Surdesh D. Kamble*, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar Devade, V.K. Redasani
Department of Pharmacology, YSPM’s, Yashoda Technical Campus, Satara, Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 16,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2024
The current study designed to investigate the Anti-asthmatic activity of leaves Sida veronicafolia (Lam). Chronic inflammation of the airways is known as asthma. The need to look for new and better treatment options has been sparked by the limitations of the already existing medication and its related negative effects. The Sida veronicafolia (Lam) has been used traditionally as antioxidant, diuretic, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, oxytocic however, there are no reports about the control of asthma. So, the Sida veronicafolia (Lam) was selected for the to provide evidence for its conventional claim. For asthma, the screening methods like isolated goat tracheal chain preparation (in vitro) and clonidine induced Catalepsy in mice (in vivo) was used. The ethanolic extract of Sida veronicafolia was used. In goat trachea the Histamine at 100µg/ml as reference drug and Sida veronicafolia at concentration 250, 500µg/ml used. For the goat trachea, student organ bath assembaly used for contractile response. At 500µg/ml concentration shows the decrease in contractile response of goat trachea compare to histamine and 250µg/ml of Sida veronocafolia. In Catalepsy of mice chlorpheniramine maleate (CPM), (10mg/kg intra peritoneally) Standard drug used and Sida veronicafolia at concentration100, 200, 400mg/kg orally) used. In this method EESV shows significant inhibited effect as compared to control group. The catalepsy in mice by clonidine induced was found significantly inhibited at 48.33±0.17s at 150 min and 37.47±0.18s, 36.55±0.15s respectively at 120 min after the administration clonidine respectively of Sida veronicafolia concentration.106.78±0.24s, 12.04±1.04s duration of catalepsy of control group and standard group respectively. By the obtained of results it can be concluded that the Sida veronicafolia shows significant antiasthmatic activity.
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Surdesh D. Kamble, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar Devade, V.K. Redasani. In Vitro and In Vivo Evalution of Anti-Asthmatic Activity of Leaves of Sida veronicafolia (Lam). Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2024;16(4):269-3. doi: 10.52711/2321-5836.2024.00046
Surdesh D. Kamble, Laxmikant M. Purane, Omkar Devade, V.K. Redasani. In Vitro and In Vivo Evalution of Anti-Asthmatic Activity of Leaves of Sida veronicafolia (Lam). Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2024;16(4):269-3. doi: 10.52711/2321-5836.2024.00046 Available on:
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