Author(s): Ravi Kumar, Sachin Tyagi, Parveen Kumar

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

DOI: 10.5958/2321-5836.2020.00030.0   

Address: Ravi Kumar1*, Dr. Sachin Tyagi1, Mr. Parveen Kumar2
1Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut (U.P.).
2National Chemical Laboratory, Pune (Maharashtra) India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2020

Approximate, 10 million patients are receiving transfusion of many blood products in a year because this therapy is a life saving therapy. It is an independent risk factor for infection, morbidity and death in serious patients. The Blood are comprising of three main components i.e. Plasma, Blood cells and Platelets. The plasma is the main part of our blood it’s about 55% of total blood contents. The plasma is a slightly yellow colored liquid and it carries water, salts and enzymes. It contains many essential components like as water, salt, hormones, albumin, fibrinogen, enzymes and antibodies. The Plasma Rich Platelets (PRP) is obtained from the recovered patient’s blood. In PRP, the maximum amount of platelets are present and they help in the many diseases like as- orthopedics, ophthalmology, injuries, tendons, surgery healings, gynecology and infertility etc. The production of plasma proteins and growth factors are maintained by diet. Recently, the convalescent plasma therapy is used for the treatment of Covid-19 because a vaccine or specific medicine not yet available for this virus.

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Ravi Kumar, Sachin Tyagi, Parveen Kumar. Plasma Therapy types, adverse effect and for some Critical Disease. Res. J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics.2020; 12(4):163-171. doi: 10.5958/2321-5836.2020.00030.0

Ravi Kumar, Sachin Tyagi, Parveen Kumar. Plasma Therapy types, adverse effect and for some Critical Disease. Res. J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics.2020; 12(4):163-171. doi: 10.5958/2321-5836.2020.00030.0   Available on:

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